Hair: 19 Months Post Relaxer

Its month nineteen and my natural transition continues. As I've previously said, majority of my remaining relax hair is in the very front of my hair. I am not ready to cut it all off yet so I cannot claim to be 100% natural. More like 90%. As usual, I take photos when I wash and condition.  In these photos I have conditioner in my hair.  Anyway, I know you want to see the pictures so without further ado...

I haven't use flat irons on my hair in a while now.  However, when I stretch my hair it does seem longer.  Especially in the back.  I haven't officially put myself on a no heat challenge but it would be nice if I can go heat free at least until the end of May.  Whatever happens, I'll be sure to post pictures of my hair next time I flat iron.  

Yours truly, 
